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Kathie's History Links!
Submitted by Kathie W.
Author of The Backbone of Joy
and Homeschooling Momma of Six!
America Rock - Schoolhouse Rock on American History and Government
USQuizMainPAge - Great self tests on US History!!!
Welcome to Mr. History's New Electronic Classroom!
United States History Can Be Fun!
Free Stuff for History Teachers, Students, and Buffs!
State Department: The Geographic Learning Site (geography info, maps, an
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: Lesson Plans
The American Experience/Technology/New York Underground
History Today Magazine
America Quilts
The Pulitzer Prizes
The Whitney Art Museum: The American Century
AP US Primary Sources
The Pulitzer Prizes
History of Everyday Life -
History of Everyday Life Splash Page -
What If? - Balkanized North America
History Quest - Cool USA Trivia and Quotes!
Women In American History
American Red Cross
National Trust for Historic Preservation Home Page
National Building Museum
Welcome to the National Endowment for the Humanities
***** Welcome to Loads of info here!
The Free Information Page
Visit the American Heartland: 300 years of family life
Memories of Pantall-Martin Store and Martin's Gen'L Store - Home Page have super info on life in a General Store from the early 19th Century.
A Short History of Harvard University
New York City Reference
NYU/NYC Maps: Streets
**** Useless Information Home Page Little known facts on everything from George Washington to microwave ovens! | Welcome Home! - Take this site with a grain of salt!
The Mysterious & Unexplained - another odd site!
American Jewish Historical Society
American Jewish Archives
National Archive Image Gopher Server
Great Disasters
The Old Timer's Page: The Way We Used To Do it...
Links: Railroads
Links: Automobiles and Trucks
Virginia Museum of Transportation
Guggenheim Museum:The Art of the Motorcycle
Hans Jakobsson's Web World: The Airline History Pages
Nobility in America: Coats of Arms of Famous Americans
Advertising Age - 50 Best Commercials
NMAA: Posters American Style
This American Life | From WBEZ in Chicago
Alton Museum of History and Art - Robert Pershing Wadlow - Alton's Gentle Giant - the tallest man in the world
American Red Cross
American Red Cross - Virtual Museum
Miss Abigail's Time Warp Advice
The Saturday Evening Post
Stamps and Postal History
National Museum of American Art
American School Directory
Surfing the Net with Kids: Paper Money
Quilt History
The Quilt Shop -History of Quilting
Built in America
Legendary Lighthouses
Digital Archive of American Architecture by Century
s m i t h s o n i a n w i t h o u t w a l l s
National Museum of American History: Hands on History Room
National Museum of American History: Not Just for Kids
Western Shaker Study Group
IMAGINATION: American Treasures of the Library of Congress
One-Named People
Clio's Digital Forge: American & Communication history; Media history
Early American History and Culture, 1500s-1865
Regions and Regionalism in the United States
Economic Forces in American History Program
Elms and Magnolias: Old Blue in a Coat of Gray - Yale University's relationship with the South.
Chronicle Online
Art in America - Introduction
This is a sight sponsored by the Pizza Hut Book It program...
it is a REading Time Line... kinda cool ideas!!

ALSO here is a Chronology of Inventions... go to bottom of
page for the links to specific areas:::
The Historical Gazzete== Messages fly around the world in a
blink of the eye. With this perspective in mind, we decided to
contribute our specialty: the written word about the history
of the American Old West (and a few pictures and our favorite,
line art) to the mass medium of the internet. Our main
mission: "Linking the past with the future!"
The Old Timer's Page...."The Way we Used to Do it"
Great First Person Accounts here!!!
Do NOT let this name fool ya...
The Costume Site
There's enough History Tid Bits here to do TWO YEARS of
History Study and STILL wanna know more!!!  go to History and
Research pages!!! You will be AMAZED!!
I just received a magazine today that had an advert for
CNN's "millenium" special.  A thousand years of history
in ten weeks or something like that...went to the site-- COOL STUFF THERE folks!!
if ya get a chance to check it out do so.... haven't
seen the shows on CNN, but the site has timelines, what
a meal with ghengis khan might have been like, maps,
artifacts, etc + More Links and an "educator's guide"
with "recap of the history of each 1000 years"...
definitely a take a mug of coffee and some printer ink
with ya site >g< Kids are enjoying it already!!
Definitely WORTH the visit!!
another Mayflower site worth checking out!!  Lots o
Good Stuff!!

Now let's visit a reenactment of Plymouth Plantation
showing what life was like back in 1627 for those
original colonists. Click on this Internet site to
begin your tour ( )


Subject headings:
Who were the Pilgrims?
The Pilgrims in Holland
The Pilgrim Press
Who were the Native People?
The Native People & colonial exploration
The voyage of the Mayflower & Speedwell
The Pilgrims' arrival in America
The Sparrow-Hawk
It came on the Mayflower?
Politics and coexistence
The "First Thanksgiving"
Compacts and contracts
Pilgrim houses
Making a living in the new world
Pilgrim possessions
Leadership in Plymouth Colony
Plymouth Colony grows
Community life
King Philip's War: the causes, the war, the effects
The continuous presence of Native People
Affluence & style

For those of us who think WE got it tuff with the Y2K
stuff:::read all about Y1K.... makes ya glad for electricity
and e-mail for sure!!!
It's a cool site to check out with the kids and learn a
little of what life was like "back then">>> you know,
when YOU were (not) a kid >giggle< from the canadian
broadcasting corp !

Find basic  information on most foreign countries
through the site that lists all of the foreign
embassies in Washington D.C.:
From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, this site will provide
you with links to information about each country,
including cultural activities, travel information,
popular foods, and much more. For some smaller
countries like Bhutan and Kazakhstan you won't find any
details, but you will at least locate an address and
phone number so that you can call the embassy for more.

Searching for a powerful portable but not sure which to
pick? You don't need an LCD with TFT. You don't even need a battery.
The chicken-powered Amish notebook comes with a 13 x 6 bead screen and all the processing power you need.
Ya GOTTA check out the FAQ page!! it is tooooo

March is Women's History Month. Guide Jone Johnson Lewis brings
us a look at the contributions women have made worldwide.
IF YOU GO NO PLACE ELSE.... go to widow Rumble's HomePage!!
This is the Nicest Woman!!  and she ANSWERS her e-mails of questions and has a FASCINATING SITE!!!!!!!!!!  ((alabama focus, but still neat for others!))
Neat site for Anyone who has played "Oregon Trail" or is studying it
or Curious about "first person accounts"!!


The Civil War

U.S. Civil War Center
Tremendous source for Civil War information. Goal is to identify all civil war related internet sites.
Gettysburg Discussion Group
If you want to find out anything about the battle of Gettysburg, visit this site.
NCWA Home Page
National Civil War Association. Renactments, encampments and lectures.
Civil War Reenactors Homepage
Information on Reenactors, upcoming events and more. Good site.
69th New York State Volunteers
Civil War Reenactor Group
104th Pa. Volunteer Infantry Home Page
Another reenactors page with access to historical information about the unit
Michigan State Batle Flags
Nice presentation of civil war battle flags carried by units from the state of Michigan
Shenandoah Gallery Civil War Art
Art and History Together
American Civil War: Resources
Civil War Information.
The Civil War Home Page
More Civil War Information
The American Civil War Homepage
Another good source for Civil War information.
Civil War Interactive
Civil War Potpouri, editorials, reviews etc.
Abraham Lincoln Online
Information and internet resources about Lincoln.
North Georgia History
This site has information about both Native American Indians and the Civil War.
John Wilkes Booth's Derringer
Image of the Pistol used to kill Lincoln.

The Old West


Kansas Gunfighters Home Page
Information about a multitude of gunfighters, outlaw gangs etc.
The Buffalo Soldiers
Learn about the Black Cavalry units in the Old West
General George A. Custer Home Page
Explore some of the facts, myths and controversies about Custer and the Little Big Horn
The Little Big Horn Associates
Sources of information for the study General George A. Custer, Native American Indians and the clash of rival cultures on the Western Plains.
Fort Phil Kearny / Bozeman Trail Association
Dedicated to the preservation, development, interpretation, and promotion of sites at Fort Phil Kearny, the Fetterman and Wagon Box Battlefields, and along the Bozeman Trail
Old West Resources
Good source for Old West related material
Mountain Men and the Fur Trade
Learn about this rugged breed of men who preceded the settlers and cowboys, but not the Indians, out West.
Virtual Library site for the American West
Links to several sites about the American West
The Santa Fe Trail
Covers the history of and sites along the Santa Fe Trail
Texas History and Social Studies
Good starting place to find information about Texas History
The Shadows Of The Past Home Page
Old West Reenactment Organization
Billy the Kid Outlaw Gang
A nonprofit organization whose purpose is to preserve, protect, and promote Billy The Kid/Pat Garrett history in New Mexico.
Pony Express Home Station
Find out how the mail used to be delivered in the Old West
Oklahombres Online
Group dedicated to the careful, correct research and preservation of lawman and outlaw history
National Cowboy Hall of Fame
All cowboys should go here at least once
American West Images
Archive of old Western Americana photographs
Old West Newspapers
See how some events were portrayed in the newspapers of the times
The Cowboy Trail
Calls itself a gathering place for people who value and respect the American West.
American Cowboy Magazine
The Magazine of Western Living, Personalities, Art, Music and More
Digital Trails
Jerry is a friend of ours. Tell him we said Howdy
Old Montana Virtual West
Cool site with products and information
The James - Younger Gang Homepage
Learn about the exploits of Jesse James and his outlaw gang
The Alamo
Brief history of the famous Texas battle
The Overland Trail
Learn about the Overland Trail courtesy of the only Overland Trail Stage Station to survive on its original site, Virginia Dale, Colorado.
New Perspectives on The West
PBS site featuring commentaries and information about the PBS Series The West
Hollywood Cowboy - Original Western Movie Posters
Visiting this site is a real Hoot
Old Western Movies online
Watch old Westerns online
Teddy Blue's Bunkhouse 
Cowboy Re-enacting and Western Movies

Native American Indian

NativeWeb Home Page
Wealth of Resources Concerning Native American Indians
Tribal Voice
Who are these guys? Interesting and sometimes irreverant source for American Indian materials.
Mesa Verde National Park
Ancient Indian Ruins
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet
Comprehensive listing of resources
Pueblo Cultural Center
Information about the Pueblos of Arizona and New Mexico
The Heard Museum
Museum of Southwest Indian Cultures
First Nations / First Peoples Issues
Some history, some politics, worth a look. Check out the Sioux Sun Dance article
Southwestern Archaeology
Site devoted to Archaeology, Anthropology and History of the Southwest
Native American Technology and Art, emphasis on the Eastern Woodlands region.


The Legend of the Lost Dutchman's Gold
The Dutchman wasn't lost, but many others have been, searching for his gold in the Superstition Mountains.
Arizona Highways Online
Arizona's award winning Magazine containing photos and stories of Arizona
Ghost Towns of Arizona 
Visit the towns that were, but are no more - or are they?
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders
Many of the Rough Riders were from Arizona
Arizona Territorial Times
Chronicals of America's Last Wild West Frontier. Many stories and much information can be found here.
Tombstone - The Movie
Site dedicated to the movie Tombstone. Nice site with pics, clips and more.
The Tombstone Epitaph Online
Online edition of the newspaper from "The Town Too Tough To Die"
The Unofficial Grand Canyon Explorer and the Official Grand Canyon Home Pages
No trip to Arizona is complete without seeing the Grand Canyon

Other Historical Sites

The History Net - Where history lives on the Web
Informative site sponsored by the National Historical Society
Discovering Lewis and Clark 
The visions and values inherent in the Northwest as Lewis and Clark saw it, and the way it is seen today.
Along the Trail with Lewis and Clark
Interactive exhibit of The Lewis and Clark Journals and good set of links to other Lewis and Clark web sites.
The Journey of the Corps of Discovery
The interactive companion to the Ken Burns documentary on PBS
Horus' World Wide Web Links to History Resources
Over 1700 links and 57 articles
Places on the World Wide Web for Historians
This site provides links to many world history sites.
History Computerization Project
More history sites for world history.
This Day in History
Find out what happened on this day in history. Brought to you by The History Channel
Just had to send ya this Cool Link!!
