My Pregnancy Journal, Page 3
Week 18:  August 23, 2000
I've been working on the website a little less now that most pages are complete.  Laundry has been running for 4 days straight, I'm doing my "twice a year" purging and sorting of clothes we don't wear and outgrown/tattered garments that need to be given or thrown away.  A lot of stains needed attending to!  I've been fairly well, energy-wise, as long as I pace myself and don't stay up late at night every night of the week.  Naps are becoming less essential, but I still need to rest occasionally during the day.  The girls and the puppy have been VERY energetic as the temperatures are more reasonable outside, so I am getting out more and the computer must wait!  Next week Darell's mom  and step-dad are renewing their vows and having a big fancy dinner afterward, so tonight Darell is getting fitted for a tuxedo.  He bought me a couple of nice dresses 2 weeks ago for the event.  Which one I wear all depends on how big my middle is, as neither is really "maternity" style!!  It will be nice to dress up and go "out on the town", it' been a long time!  We are also gearing up for our exciting next doctor visit, on Sept. 5.  Either that day, or that week, we will have an ultrasound that will tell us the gender of the baby (if the baby cooperates and poses!)  In terms of nausea, I've not had too much lately, but I find that if  I do too much first thing in the morning, I feel faint and do become very queasy.  So tea and toast  are becoming a rule every morning before the laundry and toys!  More to come.... stay tuned!

Week 19:  August 30, 2000
I cannot believe it took me most of the week to finally post an update here.  Not a whole lot to report, actually.  I've been busy creating other websites, updating mine, and cleaning house like a fanatic!  We have family coming this week, so the pressure is on to have things in order.  The baby is kicking and moving a lot and that makes me happy.  I'm not as uncomfy at night... but I do get restless.  My mind is so busy with thoughts of ways to improve many things in my daily life, both in the home and within me personally.  It's hard to explain, but suffice to say, I've been "pondering over the drips in the diaper-bucket of life" (as Kathie W. would say!!)  and my attitude about many things has taken a turn toward finding that cliche:  inner peace... and a very comfortable acceptance of who I am.  Now.. on to more cleaning and organizing.  I'm sorry this is so short.  Just think... next week is my next OB appt.  Lots to look forward to!

Week 20, September 8, 2000:  This will be a BIG update!  I think I'll change the font just to celebrate!!
I had my routine prenatal exam on Tuesday.  My sister-in-law and her 2 cutie-pies joined me and my girls and we all had the chance to see the baby on the screen!  This time, we just checked the heartbeat and baby's position.  (it was breech, and the "vital organs" -- ya know what I mean -- were not visible.... sigh.....    Baby's heartbeat was 139 b/p/m and everything seemed to be in the right place, the kids were all oooohing and aaaaaahing at the mysterious BABY, that was worth the trip! 

I scheduled my 20-week ultrasound for the next day, 9/6 at 9AM  and the receptionist gave me a slip of paper listing the amount of fluid to drink one hour before the appointment, and the *location* of where the technician would meet me.  (The paper said to meet at the same office... this becomes relevant in a moment, bear with me!!)  My sis in law said she could come again to the appt., so we made plans for me to pick her up ahead of time.

So, Wednesday comes around and I arrive with "the crew" at St. John's hospital promptly at 8:55 AM.  Bladder full... ready to see the Anatomy  of my baby!  I go to the window and sign in and a staff of receptionists (the one from yesterday NOT there) stare at me, asking what I was there for.  (sigh)  I tell them and they say that MY doctor's tech doesn't DO ultrasounds at THIS office on WEDNESDAYS.... she does them in St. Peters... at her OTHER office.  BUT I could come back TOMORROW at this office if she has space.  I tell them there must be some mistake, the receptionist yesterday had specifically indicated ST. JOHN'S!!!  I am now near tears and close to losing control of my bladder!!  The gals behind the counter call the other office and I talk to the receptionist from yesterday.  She tells me she is VERY SORRY for messing up and that if I can be THERE in an hour, the tech will see me.  I agree... hoping I can make it there in time, as it is at least a 40 minute drive.   Then I go use the bathroom!!!!  There was no way I was waiting!!!  My sis in law had to do something else that day so I  drove her back home and headed to the St. Peter's office, drinking 20 more  oz. of water.  I make it there in RECORD-BREAKING time...  but still about 15 minutes late.  They take me right back to the tech's room and we get started on the ultrasound scan.  The routine 20 week ultrasound takes about 35 minutes.  After she made sure all of the organs and skelatal structure were in tact... (this baby looks Perfect if I do say so myself!) and checked the EDD (estimated delivery date) and we found I've been right on target:  1-24-01 is still the due date, now according to the baby's development AND my LMP. 

It was NOW TIME to SEE THE BABY'S GENDER!!!  (I'm pretty good at keeping you in suspense aren't I?  GIGGLE!!!!)  OK, no more waiting.  There was no mistaking, my little girls are going to have a BABY BROTHER!!!!!!!     We are ECSTATIC! 


As you can imagine there was a lot of foot stomping, hooting and hollaring from coast to coast on Wednesday night as we shared the news with relatives and friends!  I suspect some wagering was taking place!!!!  Little Luke's first "portraits" will be on display in his NEW NURSERY!  Take a Peek!

More next week as we set up the nursery here at home as well, and as I have more little stories about folks' reactions!!  Have a great Weekend!

Week 21-Week 22:  September 19   I know, I know... I am Tardy!  I've been pretty busy with housecleaning and exciting additions to the website (s)  hee hee... you won't know what they are unless you subscribe to my newsletter!!  Ok, here's a hint:  New Domain; Internet Portal;  and Free Email.  Okay, that ought to peek your interest enough to join!  So where was I?  Busy .... yep... we had a family gathering last Saturday:  An Hawaiian Luau!  Just a few folks over and we did it right!  My sister in law brought "grass skirts" (she made them from green celophane and they were SO COOL!) and we had glazed ham, smoked shrimp-ka-bob, potato salad, Green salad, sandwiches, pineapple upside-down cake, pineapple "fluff" cocktails (non-al) and we played the game Taboo for a couple hours.  It was great fun and the girls played (fairly) well with their cousins.  I've gotten rounder... and I WOULD put up some pictures, but Walmart has lost my film... don't even know if it's been developed yet!  That's the film with the pics of Otto the dog on it too... which is why his page is still incomplete!! Sheesh! 

Anyway... we are still floating on air with the news of baby Luke.... we are excited and nervous about raising a son... such a tremendous responsibilty to raise a future family supporter and provider, man of God.... I am thankful to have seveal friends with young sons to turn to ... as well as my MIL to ask for advice as Luke grows and matures.  Am I getting ahead of myself... well  yes, maybe a little, but I'm sure that's not a bad thing!   It was good for me to get the house so well organized before the party... now clean up is a snap, and the end of the day isn't leaving me feeling overwhelmed.  Still have my 2nd trimester ENERGY and taking advantage of it!  Lots of out door time with the girls, and staying on top of the dishes & laundry & toys as well as I can before I need to rest. More updates next week... enjoy this mid-September weather!  If you are in California, I am Praying you are not near the fires!!  God Bless and Keep You All.
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